Top 5 Common Draft & Bottled Lagers

As a man I love a top five (ten, three or twenty really). I thought I would produce a list of my top five lagers that you can commonly buy. These are not my favourites of all time, that's for another day! I am creating a list of draft from pubs and bars, mainly because I miss it with lockdown being well under way. Secondly, a list of bottled beers that you can get from supermarket and shops very easily.

Draft & Tap

When it comes to draft personally I think it's the best way to have a beer. Likely because it comes with a social aspect like being with mates whilst the football is on as an example. In this I will be judging the usual of taste as that is the main reason why we purchase, I will also judge on the glass. Let's face it, a cool glass makes a difference!

If you're looking for Stella Artois and Carling here, just leave. They are awful...

Number 5 - Carlsberg Export

Do not adjust your screen, you're seeing correctly. This version of the Carlsberg is a little hidden gem. It's quite smooth and drinkable which normally doesn't come with your traditional cheaper lagers as they are often gas, fizz and bubbles. Also, the glass is very VERY cool so it sneaks in to the top 5.

Number 4 - Peroni

Now this comes in with a bit of a caveat, Peroni is very hit and miss in my experience. 60% of the time is fantastic especially in the summer. If the pub or bar doesn't shift it then it can be quite poor. Peroni, as I am sure you know, is seen as a more premium lager which is a label I think it deserves. I will give a nod to the glass as well.

Number 3 - Amstel

Amstel is my go to 'session lager'. It's just a solid choice all round like Michael Carrick or Scotty Pippen never the star but always produces. I enjoy the taste of it, it's not overly gassy that you get with the cheaper mass produced lagers. It has a good clean taste which is often the thing I look for in lagers.

Number 2 - San Miguel

This is one of my favourites all round. When poured right it's a real joy to drink, coming with a cool looking goblet/chalice style glass. San Miguel comes with a distinctive taste, almost sweeter than other lagers which I really enjoy putting it high up my list.

Champion - Number 1 - Staropramen

A deserved champion. It's had a bit of a rush in the last year or two I have found and rightfully so. It's a superb beer, tastes smooth and clean. Definitely a beer you can't just have one of, with it's 5% ABV can creep up on you. It will be hard or a while before this gets knocked off my top spot.
Staropramen Pint Tankard: Kitchen & Home

Bottled & Cans

Judging criteria for this is what I would happily drink at home or at a party in someone else's home. Remember these will be ones you've heard of, there won't be any triple hopped, spring water produced hyper lager here. Ones you can buy at a fair few supermarkets or shops locally.

Number 5 - Singha

A fantastic little lager from Thailand. Used to be quite common in 330ml cans however I think it's slowly dying away in this size. Now more in the 'double bottles' that are about 660ml. Personally not a fan of this size in general. I urge you to go and try this if you're a lager fan like myself. I promise you'll go back again! Available in Sainsbury's and Tesco to my knowledge.

Number 4 - Warsteiner

From my favourite beer country of Germany. Again, like Singha, coming in 660ml most commonly. It's extremely clean and drinkable, great with BBQ food I find. I have found it in Tesco and Asda.

Number 3 - Staropramen

For the same reasons it's number one in the draft league. It's just an amazingly great beer all round. You can get this nearly every where!

Number 2 - Budweiser Budvar

Not something that everyone knows about, although it is very easy to get hold of. Also do not confuse this Czech diamond with the Amercian Budweiser, very different entirely! It's very unique in its taste, almost like someone has melted down crackers or something. That may not sound the most convincing sales pitch, it just has a very rich malty taste that is hard to copy or beat. You can get this in 330ml cans and 500ml bottle in lots of places Asda, Tesco and Sainsbury's most commonly.

Champion - Number 1 - Meantime London Lager

Often found in the craft section which two or three years ago I wouldn't have looked under. I found this brilliant beer and since then I have been and done the brewery tour (a great package btw if you've ever considered trying it). This is more of a hoppy and premium lager than most that I have listed in this post. Honestly it's just great, simple as that. If you see it, get it! You won't be sorry. You can get it at Tesco, Aldi, Asda and M&S most often in 330ml cans.
Meantime London Lager Can | Ocado

There you have it. Two top fives of lagers that you can commonly buy in the UK. With the UK still being in lockdown (depending on what Boris says later on, this could be a historical post... Who knows) it gives you inspiration on what to go for on your next trip to the shops or what to have as your first freedom pint when the lockdown does finally get lifted.

Notable beers who didn't quite make it into either list. Camden Hells, Estrella Damm, Pravha, Freedom Organic and Maltsmiths Lager 
