Brinkhoff's No1

Second review, here we go!

Brinkhoff's No1 is a German Pilsner reading other reviews online this comes with high expectation as the reviews have been generally very high. Let's see...

The initial smell is quite a grassy smell, it's not 'weedy' like you'd get from a Stella Artrois for example. No one wants that.

The very bubbly head disappeared quite quickly, the fizz in the glass held strong throughout which I always see as a sign of quality in a lager.

Initial taste is that it's quite a dry larger with a hoppyness to it which is quite different. It is very drinkable, not a beer you would savour necessarily.  Brinkhoff's is a subtly watery beer, I don't mean that in a negative sense it aids to the drinkablity of it.

With it coming with a 5% ABV it's up there in terms of lager strength so approach with caution! Unless you're hard, which I am not.

It may be Brinkhoff's No1, it just isn't mine. The beer is not terrible, don't get me wrong, it just isn't amazing. I'd give it an overall of 6.5/10. If it was offered to me at a mate's BBQ I would happily have one, I wouldn't go out an actively purchase again.

Purchased from Beers Of Europe.
