Berliner Pilsner

Okay, so I am writing this on my birthday. Only fitting that I have an epic beer to write about. I introduce Berliner. This first came into my life on a works night out about three years ago, it was on tap at a hipster type bar. Someone recommend I try it and the rest is history.

This pilsner has won an award in Germany. If it's beating top beers in Germany where the quality is very high then this is the elite of the elite!

Using my trusty Amstel schooner glass for this. Some how even though it's an old glass it seems to maintain the bubbles more than any other glass.

Berliner has a map of Berlin on the can, very nice touch

Of the first sip it's an instant 'Oh my god, WOW!' moment. It just ticks all the boxes and more. It's so balanced, not overly yeasty, not overly grassy/skunky. Just brilliant. Berliner is not a beer I would glug (although I'd happily do it), definitely something to take some time and enjoy with a salty snack, watching football or reading. Whatever you're doing, this will just enhance the experience and take it up a level!

It keeps a good head from start to finish. After the initial sips it continues being smooth all the way till you have to make a decision on whether to have another or not. The answer should always be yes!

I would go buy it, if you're only slightly interested in lagers. I know people who are IPA enthusiasts and they would happily have one of these and seriously enjoy it. For me it's a 9.5/10, top three of all time easily.

I love this stuff if you haven't gauged the tone of this post yet! I get this from Beer Hawk mainly, I believe it's also available on Amazon.
