Brewdog Hazy Jane

Hazy Jane is not my usual type of beer. I read the description and though 'why not!' so let's see what we think. Never know could be a new favourite.

After I poured it Hazy Jane lives up to the name! If not Opaque Jane. The beer smells very hoppy and tropical which is does say in the description. All promises ticked from Brewdog. Onto the taste...

Off the bat POW! with the hops and tropical-ness, these are not over powering so much that it puts you off. It's certainly not a subtle beer. As you continue to drink it does tone down a little bit, the flavour remain just in a more mellow way. I could see myself having a few of these no issue

To sum up, I was sceptical as this is not a beer I would go for normally. It surprised me and would buy again. Don't let the Hazy Jane title put you off, it's better than it look. I'd give it a 7.5/10
